Monday, July 18, 2016

Three Tips for Studying Abroad


Lauren Frieder of Tampa, Florida, who earned her JD from Western Michigan University, was recently admitted to practice law on the federal level. Before attending law school, she earned an MBA and an MS in marketing from the University of Tampa, graduating at the top of her class. Also a travel lover, Lauren Frieder studied abroad in Brazil for one semester during graduate school.

Many consider study abroad to be an important and rewarding venture. The three pointers listed below can help individuals who are planning to study abroad to make the most of their experience.

1. Learn the Language - One of the best ways to learn a new language is to immerse yourself in it. If you are studying in a country where English is not the primary language, you have the prime opportunity to pick up a new language, with the added benefit of being able to better connect with the people and places around you.

2. Verify Your Information and Paperwork - Few things can crush your exploratory spirit like the hassle of dealing with paperwork, but double- and triple-checking your visa, passport, and any other required paperwork for your journey could save you a headache in the long run.

3. Back Everything Up - It is always smart to back up your photos and important files, but it could be especially frustrating if your computer crashed or you lost your phone - and therein all your documents, schoolwork, and photos from abroad. Back everything up with an external hard drive or cloud storage service to ensure you will have your important files and the photos to remember your time abroad.